More faux outrage from McCain/Palin supporters. Hillbuzz has a clutcher:
"What would the media do if someone wore tee shirts that said, “Obama is a BLANK”. Fill in the blank any way you want, but we bet there would be riots. Calling Palin a “c***”…and no one bats an eye."

Because, of course, calling somone a c__t is every bit as offensive as calling them an arab terrorist who will bring in sharia law and sell out America. Same thing. And no-one would ever make an offensive t-shirt about Obama. No siree...

I can't decide whether this next one is meant to be offensive, or just surreal...

But wait, you say... the "C" word is purely sexist, and only used to demean women, right? Right.

HT to my beloved Anorak for the original link. As they always say, Sarah Palin is hard not to like. But sheesh, hold back on the 1950s outrage, please...
What do you think? Send in your pics!

Edited to add in case you missed these...

There's something hilariously.... blunt, I guess is the right word, about those sarah palin t-shirts.
The anti-obama ones try to have some kind of "depth" with various imagery etc... but the Sarah Palin ones just come right out and say it; she's a cunt.
Not that I disagree.
I think the fact someone thinks they're being funny or politically edgy by wearing a t-shirt like that is truly hilarious. It's not a matter of being blunt - it is simply pathetic.
My next goal in life is to find out who this guy is, find out the name of his mother or sister, then post a billboard in his hometown with "__ __ is a cunt".
Sure, that might be pathetic too - but sweet justice....sweet, sweet justice.
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