It's been a while since I rapped with you. The combination of a new job and the unending stupidity of Intelligent Design Creationism have conspired to make blogging less compelling than I'd like.
As a case in point, see this from Denyse O'Leary about the ridiculous spat of PZ Myers' explusion from a recent preview of the movie "Expelled":
"It is much easier to solve Myers's problem about getting a ticket than to solve the more serious, science-related problems detailed in the documentary - the problems of people whose careers were destroyed by Darwinists simply because they know reasons why Darwinism isn't true."What reasons would these be, I wonder?
According to early reviews of the film, it doesn't even bother to define what it means by "Darwinism", "Evolution", or - staggeringly - "Intelligent Design". Even so, it blames evolution for "Communism, the Berlin Wall, Fascism, the Holocaust, atheism and Planned Parenthood", while presenting Intelligent Design as a religious viewpoint.
All science so far.
And let's look at just one of the scientists who's career was "destroyed" by Darwinists, according to "Expelled" - Caroline Croker.
This is a lady who gained a PhD in immunopharmacology, and who still managed to tell a second-year cell biology class that macroevolution was not established because "No one has ever seen a dog turn into a cat in a laboratory".
Does Denyse O'Leary think this is a reason why "Darwinism isn't true"? Inquiring minds want to know...

The Quest for Right, a series of 7 textbooks created for the public schools, represents the ultimate marriage between an in-depth knowledge of biblical phenomena and natural and physical sciences. The several volumes have accomplished that which, heretofore, was deemed impossible: to level the playing field between those who desire a return to physical science in the classroom and those who embrace the theory of evolution. The Quest for Right turns the tide by providing an authoritative and enlightening scientific explanation of natural phenomena which will ultimately dethrone the unprofitable Darwinian view.
The backbone of Darwinism is not biological evolution per se, but electronic interpretation, the tenet that all physical, chemical, and biological processes result from a change in the electron structure of the atom which, in turn, may be deciphered through the orderly application of mathematics, as outlined in quantum mechanics. A few of the supporting theories are: degrading stars, neutron stars, black holes, extraterrestrial water, antimatter, the absolute dating systems, and the big bang, the explosion of a singularity infinitely smaller than the dot of an “i” from which space, time, and the massive stellar bodies supposedly sprang into being.
The philosophy rejects any divine intervention. Therefore, let the philosophy of Darwinism be judged on these specifics: electron interpretation and quantum mechanics. Conversely, the view that God is both responsible for and rules all the phenomena of the universe will stand or fall when the facts are applied. The view will not hinge on faith alone, but will be tested by the weightier principle of verifiable truths – the new discipline.
The Quest for Right is not only better at explaining natural phenomena, but also may be verified through testing. As a consequence, the material in the several volumes will not violate the so-called constitutional separation of church and state. Physical science, the old science of cause and effect, will have a long-term sustainability, replacing irresponsible doctrines based on whim. Teachers and students will rejoice in the simplicity of earthly phenomena when entertained by the new discipline.
The Quest for Right is not only an academic resource designed for the public schools, but also contains a wealth of information on pertinent subjects that seminarians need to know to be effective: geology, biology, geography, astronomy, chemistry, paleontology, and in-depth Biblical studies. The nuggets from the pages of Biblical history alone will give seminarians literally hundreds of fresh ideas for sermons and teachings. The ministry resources contained in The Quest for Right serve as invaluable aids that will enrich graduates beyond their highest expectations.
You will not want to miss the adventure of a lifetime which awaits you in Volume 1 of The Quest for Right.
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