"Hey, Jim, it's me, Susie Lillis from the laundromat. You said you were gonna call and it's been two weeks. What's wrong, you lose my number?"A unix fortune... But can anyone tell me the reference? Where is the quote from? Is it a song or a move or is it just random?

It's one of the messages on Jim Rockford's answerphone it the start of each episode of The Rockford Files. This one was from 'Charlie Harris At Large.
My mobile's message tone is the 'Dail-a-Prayer' one. Sad. Terribly, terribly so - but true.
Thanks for that :) I hereby appoint you "Hero Of the Soviet Union", Third Class.
I have always aspired to that honour. Now my ancestors can lie proudly in their graves.
Nice to see you back, PTET.
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