Take this, from writer Catherine Czerkawska, commenting on Christopher Brookmyre's new book:-
Hell's teeth now Christopher Brookmyre is at it, attempting to disprove the existence of God and all things spiritual in his latest novel... What is it with these people? Can it be that they have no knowledge of the real scientific world in which corruption and bigotry sit side by side with the 'scientific method'...
Scientists are as prone to all the faults and foibles of humanity as the rest of us. We are all of us seeking for ways of describing, of coping with the world. And for sure, all things come to sadness in the end. But a lot of the time people (and it so often is women, although not invariably so) have an inkling that there is more to life than meets the eye...
But most of all, I think, I object strongly to the assumption that all spirituality is a sticking plaster which we poor blinkered souls use to protect ourselves from the more unpleasant aspects of life. And again I say hubris. Bloody overweening pride that subsumes any sense of humility in its own arrogant certainty. If you can't speak with a modicum of wisdom then better, perhaps, to say nothing at all.